
Profitable Ag supports farming families across a range of areas including:

  • Farm FIT
    • An extensive review of farm business performance
  • Our Future Farm Project
    • Challenging family farm businesses to step out of the short-term operational focus and decide what they want their business to look like in 5+, 10+, 20+ years.

This includes strategic business support to farming families in the areas of:

  • business planning
  • succession planning
  • strategy development and implementation

Profitable Ag also provides support in the areas of:

  • ongoing business monitoring, review and support
  • due diligence work on new land or plant acquisitions

Farm FIT underpins all strategic business support provided by Profitable Ag to farm families.

The objective is to learn how to do things better in the future by ensuring that management is focused on the key influencers of business profit and can identify opportunities for improvement that are practical, simple and clear.

The outcomes are:

  • objective conversations about why there are differences and whether change is required and
  • an annual report that analyses farm business performance in the context of the farm’s historical performance and relevant farm business comparisons.